PI: Vikki Wachino, MPP
Amount: $224,155
Timeline: Dec. 2024 - Aug. 2025
Area: Policy Initiatives
Cohort: Access to Treatment

    on Social:

Leveraging Medicaid to Advance Provision of OUD Services for People Returning from Prisons and Jails: An Evidence-Based Implementation Roadmap for States

Since January 2023, thirteen states have received approval from the federal government to use Medicaid funding to pay for substance use disorder treatment and supports in jails and prisons within 30 to 90 days of an individual’s release. The Health and Reentry Project (HARP) will develop a toolkit to guide state Medicaid agencies as they implement new policies to cover opioid use disorder services in carceral settings. The organization will tailor its recommendations for services and standards; performance measures; and payment models so they apply to shorter treatment time frames. HARP also plans to disseminate its toolkit in partnership with the National Academy of State Health Policy, as well as other organizations.

Via Fiscal Sponsor: The Goodnation Foundation Inc.