PI: Gabrielle de la Guéronnière
Amount: $110,000
Timeline: Nov. 2020 - Nov. 2021
Area: Policy Initiatives
Cohort: COVID-19 Response

    on Social:

Leveraging Medicaid to Increase Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Access for Justice-Involved People

As COVID-19 highlights intersections of race, public health, and incarceration, the need for access to OUD treatment in the criminal justice system has never been greater. This project will explore opportunities to use Medicaid as a vehicle to increase access to OUD treatment for people in jails and prisons, as well as those leaving incarceration. It will offer policy analysis and technical recommendations for how to increase Medicaid enrollment of justice–involved populations, deliver evidence-based treatment and care coordination, and more generally shift from punishment to community-based treatment and supports.