News & Updates — Resources
Understanding and Bolstering the Peer Recovery Workforce
July 14, 2021As people with lived experience of addiction and recovery, peer recovery coaches (PRCs) are often the lynchpin to engaging people in opioid use disorder treatment and helping them rebuild their lives. FORE is engaged in efforts to explore the experiences and challenges of PRCs across the United States so that a strong, effective workforce can be developed.
We have published a full report and policy brief based on the findings of a qualitative study that engaged 47 PRCs in discussions about their training, work experiences, successes, and challenges. The study was conducted in partnership with the survey research firm, SSRS. Also read our grantee spotlight in which PRCs at three of our grantee organizations share their stories and what makes them good at their work.
We hope you will join us today, July 14th at 3pm EST, for a webinar discussing results of the qualitative study and what policies are needed to support and build the recovery workforce.