PI: Nancy Winmill
Amount: $150,000
Timeline: Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2025
Area: Payer and Provider Strategies
Cohort: Community-Driven Responses to Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Overdose Mortality

    on Social:

Rural Opioid Response Plan

Based in a region of Idaho experiencing high drug overdose and suicide rates, Simply Hope Family Outreach specializes in supporting families coping with addiction, codependency, divorce, grief, and/or suicide. With FORE’s funding, Simply Hope will hire staff to expand services to reach more young people and adults and launch new services including peer recovery supports and collaborations with Intermountain Healthcare and the Idaho Harm Reduction Project. The overall goal is to build community members’ knowledge of opioid use disorder and reduce the stigma associated with addiction, leading to reduced mortality.