PI: Jamal Khan, Arash Diba
Amount: $149,420
Timeline: Jul 2023 - Jul 2025
Area: Payer & Provider Strategies
Cohort: Community-Driven Responses to Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Mortality

    on Social:

Strengthening Infrastructure to Bolster Services

Voices of Community Activists & Leaders Vocal-NY-Inc (VOCAL-NY) provides syringe exchanges and other services for people experiencing homelessness, HIV, hepatitis, poverty, and/or substance use in Brooklyn, New York. Its staff offer testing and treatment for hepatitis, give initial doses of buprenorphine, and provide referrals for ongoing OUD and other behavioral health and medical treatment as well as connections to housing and job supports. Its drop-in center also offers laundry facilities, bathrooms, a library, and a food pantry. FORE funding will enable the organization to review its policies and procedures so that staff can make most efficient use of their resources to meet rising demand.